Contact Quran Knowledge

#1 Quran Knowledge Institute, Learn Quran and Tafseer with Ahadees and Arabic Language Courses by Certified Professionals

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Quran Knowledge Institute

At Quran Knowledge, we provide highly relevant educational materials to help you practice what you learn, not just during lessons but 24 hours a day.

We focus on providing interactive lessons for you and your whole family. We follow your performance in the homework assigned to you and your children in each lesson.

You are never too young or too old to learn. The Qur’an Knowledge Institute provides Qur’an, Islam, and Arabic lessons for both children and adults.

We cater to all age groups because we firmly believe that knowledge of the Qur’an is extremely important and valuable to people of all ages.


Explore Courses or Book Free Trial Class

You can explore our online Quran learning courses and check courses we offer for you or your child, if you want to learn more about how we teach, you can Book Free Trial Class

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Want to Start Learning with Quran Knowledge?


Explore Courses of Your Interest

The first step of learning the Quran is to Choose the courses you want to learn, We have multiple courses about Arabic Language Learning with grammar and many more, choose your course and step forward.


Book Free Trial Class

The second and the most important step is to book your first trial class to join your learning course online, you’ll learn about the teaching methods, content guidelines and tasks & assignments for the class, If you love this move forward to step 3 


Confirm Course Booking Appointment

The third step is to confirm course booking appointment to start learning your course online, you have to submit your Online Quran Learning Course Fees to successfully enroll in online class, before you proceed make sure to contact us


You’re Enrolled in to course successfully

After  submitting your Online Quran Learning Course Fees you’ll be enrolled in our online classes, make sure to submit your assignments in time and to participate in class activities for better and fast learning your course

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